Materials to Print

Skit Template

Safety Plan


Need to Know Activities Guide

Session 04


For every activity, the focus of discussions should be on how students will apply that information or those skills to their experience in college.


Note to facilitators: In each session, the timing of the activities is less than the 2 ½ hours of the session. This allows for time for transitions between activities, a short break, and time to just talk to students about your experiences, along with their questions and expectations. You may find that some activities take more or less time depending on the group, so be aware of timing and make adjustments as needed. Early sessions have more activities. If you don’t think you will have enough time, use discretion and choose the ones that best meet the needs of your group. Make sure to read over ALL session guides before starting the workshop to get an overview and to plan for the best approach. Then re-read each session guide before you meet with students. Make sure to have needed materials. You might be able to carry some activities over to later sessions if you run out of time.

Students will need access to the Need to Know manual for Session 5. They will be asked to take notes on reading materials from the book.


01.               Be Proactive


Timing: 10 minutes


Description: This activity can be done individually, in small groups, or as a whole group. Students should write their list of pain points and then move to strategies and helpers.




·       To show students that everyone has concerns when starting a new endeavor

·       To help students plan for events that might be difficult for them and find strategies and people to help

·       To reinforce Activity 01 in Session 3


Materials: writing utensils


Notes: This activity is meant to reinforce Activity 01 in Session 3, and students might list some of the same people. It is important to avoid having students turn this into a negative complaint/fear session and have them focus on concrete steps they can take and how they can get help.



02.               Skits


Timing: 25 minutes (10 minutes discussion and creating skits of about 2-3 minutes each, 15 minutes performing, 10 minutes for “Tea and Consent.”


Description: Students should get into groups of 4 or 5. Together they can decide on a skit topic, or they can use safety or discrimination issues. Let them know that they can make up a situation if they don’t have a relevant experience. They can write a brief skit that lasts about 2-3 minutes showing the situation—or you can use bigger groups and spend more time on elaborate skits. To save time, you can choose between this activity and “Role Play.” This will allow more time to spend on other activities. If you do so, you should still include “Tea and Consent.”



·       To help students gain comfort talking about difficult situations

·       To help students develop language to confront problems

·       To show students that everyone faces difficulties

·       To help students become allies to those who face discrimination


Materials: writing utensils, skit template

Laptop and projector for “Tea and Consent”


Notes: It’s important that students feel the workshop is a safe space to address important issues.


Link for “Tea and Consent” below:



03.               Would You Rather


Timing: 15 minutes


Description: Students can work in small groups or this can be used as a whole group activity with the facilitator reading the options and then leading brief discussion after students provide their answers.



·       To help students understand that there are multiple ways to resolve a situation

·       To help students understand the pros and cons of their own methods

·       To help students consider problems they might encounter and find ways to resolve them


Materials: writing utensils


Notes: The most important takeaway here is that students need to be able to apply what they learn to their expectations and behaviors for college.



04.               Role Play


Timing: 20 minutes


Description: Students should work in pairs. Depending on time, they can take turns playing each role in all 4 situations or they can alternate, playing the student for the first and the other for the second, etc. To save time, you can choose between this activity and “Skits.” This will allow more time to spend on other activities. If you do so, you should still include “Tea and Consent” at the end of the “Skits” activity. You can also compile the list as a whole group rather than having groups make a list and then report to the larger workshop.



·       To help students see situations from multiple perspectives

·       To give students practice dealing with difficult situations

·       To help students see how others deal with difficult situations

·       To develop advice for themselves when they confront difficulties


Materials: writing utensils


Notes: If there is time, it is a good idea to have a brief group discussion that ties together what the students learned from this experience so they can see the direct application to their lives.



05.               Scenarios


Timing: 25 minutes


Description: Divide students into small groups. Give them 15 minutes to discuss and develop solutions. Have them put solutions in the bin that corresponds to the situation. Spend about 15 minutes pulling slips out of the bins (make sure you choose at least one from each bin) and discuss as a large group. You can also assign specific scenarios to a couple of groups, so not every group does each one (they can still benefit from the whole group discussion) but every scenario has multiple groups addressing it.




·       To help students develop problem-solving skills

·       To help students consider a number of different options for a situation

·       To remind students that they have people they can call on and to give them a model for reaching out


Materials: writing utensils, slips of paper, bins to collect answers—numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.


Notes: Students might not encounter exactly these situations, but they can use the same problem-solving skills for the issues they do confront. Emphasize the process of problem solving, as well as the effectiveness of the solutions. To save time, you can choose between this activity and “Common Problems.” This will allow more time to spend on other activities.



06.               Triggers


Timing: 15 minutes (5 minutes for each step)


Description: Students can work individually on steps 1 and 2. Step 3 can be done in small groups or with the whole group.



·       To help students understand their own triggers and find ways to overcome them

·       To help students find a mantra or inspiration that might help them face difficulties

·       To help students understand what it feels like to face depression and anxiety so they can recognize it in themselves and others


Materials: writing utensils

Smartphones for searching for inspirational quotes



Notes: It might be fun to have students share their inspirational quotes. Here are some websites to recommend for them to look: or



07.               Campus Diversity


Timing: 10 minutes


Description: Students can work independently or in small groups to research prospective colleges and find out what they offer in terms of campus diversity programs. Students should find contact information, locations, programs, and events, that might help them understand campus diversity. Students can use this information to write a description and share it with others in the workshop.



·       To help students find resources that can help them feel more part of campus or more of an ally

·       To help students use problem-solving skills so they are prepared to find solutions in the future


Materials: writing utensils

Smartphone, tablet, or laptop


Notes: Diversity issues affect all students differently, but they affect all students. Even students who are not subject to discrimination need to understand and be able to find solutions—so they aren’t part of the problem



08.               Campus Safety


Timing: 10 minutes


Description: All students need to be concerned with safety, and knowing the resources at their college will help them feel more secure. This is a place to repeat the consent statement, as well. Students can work in small groups to research ideas and then list on the template provided.



·       To help students find resources to stay safe

·       To help students feel confident about their personal safety


Materials: writing utensils

Smartphone, tablet, or laptop


Notes: It is important to make students feel secure so they don’t develop more fear.



09.               Wrap Up: Gist and List



Timing: 5 minutes


Description: Students should be able to summarize what they learned in the session under the “Gist” column. Then they can pick out specific points that are important and list them under the “List” column.



·       To help students digest and think about material

·       To serve as a memory aid


Materials: writing utensils


Notes: This is an opportunity for students to process the information they learned and put it in their own words. This will facilitate learning and let students control their use of information. If you run out of time, this can be assigned as homework—it should only take a few minutes and will serve as a reminder for students of what they learned before moving to the next session.